
Jae-eun Baek,Shigeo Sugimoto


元数据是数字存档和保存的密钥之一。这在我们联网信息社会中得到了很好的认可。例如,有几种档案和保存元数据标准。ISAD(G),EAD,AGRKMS,PREMIS和OAI。这导致了在特定归档系统的元数据模式设计中的选择和互操作性问题。This paper identifies features of metadata standards to appropriately select, combine and use them in the resource lifecycle.我们通过识别将应用标准的主要资源生命周期阶段来提出元数据标准的特征分析。基于此特征分析,本文提出了一个框架,以帮助选择,组合和使用Metadata模式进行数字归档和保存。然后,我们建议使用5W1H属性对元数据元素进行分类?什么,为什么,在哪里,谁,谁,何时以及如何? coupled with a task model derived from the resource lifecycle. In this study, metadata elements of the chosen standards are categorized using the 5W1H attributes and mapped to each other. The mappings are grouped and sorted in accordance with the task model. The 5W1H and task models are applied to six element sets chosen from major metadata standards. Thus, the proposed models help us identify contexts of descriptive elements and define crosswalks among standards.
