[Application-profiles-ig] Definitions and formalisms

Karen Coyle 在kcoyle.n kcoyleet
2020年4月12日05:19:34 BST

On 4/11/20 1:02 AM, Thomas Baker wrote: >>2. As Phil mentioned in one of the previous mails, can we add multiple properties within a cell by separating it with a comma or space?>>3. In that case, can we designate a separator within the specification?>>4. Also, the same as Phil, I like the idea of reusing entities. Can we use the @marker to call them in different locations?>Maybe these could be on the agenda of a future call?Yes, I will try to figure out which of the original points from the earlier email from Nishad that we covered in the meeting and will add these to them for the next meeting. I'll also try to prioritize the issues and questions. kc -- Karen Coyle在kcoyle.n kcoyleethttp://kcoyle.netskype: kcoylenet

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