[Application-profiles-ig] Difference between profile and vocabulary

Thomas Baker tom at tombaker.org
Tue Mar 3 15:52:23 GMT 2020

Dear all, I took an action [1] to follow up here on an interesting question posed by John. On our short call, we agreed that the most minimal profile could consist simply of a list of properties. In other words, the following could be a profile:http://purl.org/dc/terms/creatorhttp://purl.org/dc/terms/titlehttp://purl.org/dc/terms/dateBut because this group had earlier decided that property URIs are not actually a requirement for profiles, the simplest, most minimal profile possible could even just be: creator title date ...without necessarily even having a separate "property label". John asked: If this is so, then what is the essential difference between a profile and a vocabulary? Tom [1]https://hackmd.io/pTAlXlcTQFmyrCutEhisCg?both-- Tom Baker <tom at tombaker.org>

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