[Application-profiles-ig] Agenda - Meeting October 21

Karen Coyle kcoyle kcoyle.net
Mon Oct 19 17:28:53 BST 2020

All, Here's the agenda for our meeting this week:https://hackmd.io/vwVAcKeqQd6reUqdBoI9HAZoom:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87319362709I'd like to do a basic review of the user document (tutorial?) and the diagrams, and get an idea of whether I should also be working on a vocabulary document. Document:https://hackmd.io/pTp9ub_bQbO6vxZra1w-kwThis project will take the December (17th?) DCMI webinar slot to have a wider meeting on the profile work, and we need to have a document (or 2) available before then, so I need us to be very comfortable with our document by December 1. That doesn't mean that it has to be "complete", just that we feel that we have something that we can discuss more widely with a certain confidence. At the meeting I would also like to talk about gathering a few sample profiles and related instance data that we can present at the December event. Obviously, if you have a chance to add your comments to the user document that will move us forward. Thanks, and zoom you then: kc -- Karen Coylekcoyle kcoyle.nethttp://kcoyle.netskype: kcoylenet

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