
托马斯•贝克 汤姆在tombaker.org
Tue Sep 8 22:34:44 BST 2020

在2020-09-05 03:31,托马斯·贝克写道:>我仍然认为我们应该限制XSD uri的使用>他们自己的列,像所有其他列一样可选>(除了'prop_id') -数据类型专用的列>uri。该列的含义应该是触发>文本值是否为实际值的验证>在数据中使用给定的数据类型URI标记>这就是[1]中的ShEx和SHACL示例所做的。我仔细研究了一下,现在发现这是不正确的,至少不是关于ShEx的——我道歉!当在ShEx模式中使用XSD URI作为节点上的约束时,这并不意味着ShEx将验证文本是否像我所想的那样只是使用XSD URI _tagged_。相反,它意味着ShEx将实际测试文本是否与XML Schema数据类型一致。例如,xsd:date将触发文本验证,以确保与[1]提供的定义一致。根据[2],ShEx内置支持SPARQL XPath构造函数[3]所需的数据类型集。ShEx可以通过支持其他数据类型来“扩展”,当然那些非xsd数据类型需要定义为RDF数据类型,即uri。我仍然认为将定义良好的RDF数据类型作为RDF数据类型处理在它们自己的列中是有意义的。这个列将只有uri,因为根据定义,RDF数据类型是所有uri。我还认为,为可能具有特定于社区含义的数据类型设置一个列,并让CSV的用户提供这些数据类型的操作定义是有意义的。我们可以提供一组更非正式定义的数据类型,例如“Date”。 But these would be presented, in effect, as annotations -- as things that do not trigger a specific, well-defined process of validation that we can point to. I don't think we want to get into the business of defining datatypes defined as they are in XML Schema! We would explicitly say that datatypes like "Date" (as opposed to "xsd:date") but would need to be defined further by the user community of a given CSV application profile. In other words, if the authors of a DCAP/CSV expect the literal value of a date to conform precisely to an XML Schema definition, 'xsd:date' would be recorded in the RDF datatype column. But if the intention were to say that the value is some sort of date, 'Date' would be recorded in the other datatype column. Tom [1]https://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#date[2]http://shex.io/shex-semantics/#datatype[3]https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#operandDataTypes——汤姆·贝克<汤姆在tombaker.org>
