[Application-profiles-ig] Label column(s)

Thomas Baker tom at tombaker.org
Sat Sep 12 12:11:49 BST 2020

On 2020-09-11 04:48, Phil Barker wrote: >> Option 1: repeat label column where needed>> Option 2: have one label column, and it is the label for the subject of>> the row (shape or property)>>>I raised this, and meant option 2.>>The consequence (mentioned in the meeting) is that you wouldn't be able to>have shape and property on the same row, it could be ambiguous as to which>的标签。IMO putting shape and property in the same row should be an option. We should explicitly allow this in a spreadsheet, and support for doing this is important if we are going to encourage people to use the DCAP vocabulary for data constructs beyond just CSVs. In general, I'm feeling more relaxed than I was about the number of columns. The number of columns we want to support has remained within the bounds of what I would consider a simple model, such that I see no need to make the label column do double duty simply to save a column. Tom -- Tom Baker <tom at tombaker.org>

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