dtap -python 0.2版本

托马斯•贝克 Tbaker在tombaker.org上

亲爱的所有人:在Nishad的帮助下,我已经推动了ddcap -python模块和命令行实用程序。一些新功能:- inspect子命令现在称为generate。参见[3]。-命令'dctap init'写入启动器配置文件,默认情况下写入工作目录中的.dctaprc,或者可选地写入任何其他位置。当然,这些都可以完全手工创建,但从要编辑的内容开始更容易。这在[1]中有解释。-目前可编辑的默认值是:默认形状名称(“:default”,但可以更改),名称空间前缀映射(默认值涵盖DC, RDF, Wikidata属性,Schema.org, FOAF, OWL, SKOS和XSD),和值节点类型(以防任何人想要添加IRIorBNode, URI, URIorBNode,非文字,或所有在SHACL中发现的成对组合)。这在[2]中有解释。-选项'——expand-prefixes'根据配置文件扩展命名空间前缀,如果找到的话,或者退回到内置默认值。这在[3]中有解释。 Because their values are (ideally) IRIs, the values of propertyID, shapeID, valueDataType, and valueShape are checked and, if matches are found, prefixes are expanded. Potentially, other values could be checked, eg valueConstraint when valueNodeType is IRI or valueConstraintType is IRIStem, but for now my preference is to keep it simple and trust that implementers will either prefer to use actual IRIs as values or that they will know how to handle them downstream. - An option '--warnings' prints any warnings that result from some basic consistency checks. These are printed to standard error so as not to interfere with the standard output stream, in case stdout needs to be piped to another command downstream. This is explained in [3]. - A CSV can be read either from a file or from standard input (as in a command pipeline). This is explained in [3]. The Readthedocs documentation [4] is fairly complete, though it needs more cross-references and I'm still finding bugs. I will be polishing this in the coming days. The module passes 49 unit tests, which I have tried to annotate for readability, in case anyone wants to dive into details. I will look through the 'dctap' issues [7] to see how many are addressed by the new features. If I'm not mistaken, Karen's talk is three weeks from tomorrow, on Friday June 23 [5]. Well before then, dctap-python should be installable using "pip" on the command line. Does anyone see any obvious gaps we should try to address before then? Please feel free to raise any issues at [6] if they are related specifically to the module and utility, or of course to [7] if they are related more to the model itself. Tom [1]https://dctap-python.readthedocs.io/en/latest/cli/init/index.html[2]https://dctap-python.readthedocs.io/en/latest/config/index.html[3]https://dctap-python.readthedocs.io/en/latest/cli/generate/index.html[4]https://dctap-python.readthedocs.io/en/latest/[5]https://sites.google.com/stanford.edu/2021ld4conf/home[6]https://github.com/dcmi/dctap-python/issues[7]https://github.com/dcmi/dctap/issues——汤姆·贝克Tom在tombaker.org上>

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