[Application-profiles-ig] Project 'dctap-python' is on Github

Thomas Baker tbaker at tombaker.org
Tue Jun 1 15:31:07 BST 2021

Dear all, I have successfully moved the code, tests, and Readthedocs files from my csv2shex project [1] to the new DCMI project, dctap-python [2]. I have set up a Readthedocs project [3], the results of which can be viewed at [4]. I have confirmed that the code installs correctly, as "editable", in a virtual environment; the Readthedocs documentation builds correctly; and all 26 tests pass (though 10 of these throw deprecation warnings related to YAML processing). Disclaimer: I did make a quick pass through the code and documentation to change references to "csv2shex" and "DCAP", respectively, to "dctap" and "DCTAP", but I have not updated the code or documentation in other ways, so I cannot guarantee that it is completely up-to-date with our current draft specification - but it is a start. As a next step, I look forward to implementing Karen's basic consistency checks [5] and, with Nishad's help, turn this into a tool we can use for checking, viewing, converting, and debugging CSVs at the command line. The medium term goal will be to make this pip-installable for anyone who wants to build scripts or applications that do more things, such as conversion into ShEx or direct validation of data. We will also want this script to support whatever prefix and settings file formats we decide to promote. For now, I'd like to spend a week or two getting this into a more presentable form by double-checking that it conforms to our spec. Then I'd like to try to schedule a Zoom call for anyone interested, such as the attendees of our very interesting call in December. Tom [1]https://github.com/tombaker/csv2shex[2]https://github.com/dcmi/dctap-python[3]https://readthedocs.org/projects/dctap-python/[4]https://dctap-python.readthedocs.io/en/latest/[5]https://lists.www.voudr.com/pipermail/application-profiles-ig/2021-May/000511.html-- Tom Baker <tom at tombaker.org>

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