Invited Talk: National Bibliographic Knowledgebase and Plan M

Title: National Bibliographic Knowledgebase and Plan M
Moderated by: Alasdair Macdonald
Date: 2021-10-13 07:00
Slides: slides.pdf
Recording: Watch on YouTube

Neil Grindley
Neil Grindley
Jisc, Director of content and discovery services
Neil Grindley is the Director of Discovery and Content Services at Jisc, an organization that empowers UK universities, colleges and skills providers to fully exploit the possibilities afforded by digital technologies. He has strategic responsibility for developing products and maintaining services that enable universities and colleges to acquire, create, manage, find and access resources for teaching, learning and research. Neil has managed and led national level initiatives focused on the digital humanities, digital preservation, and data infrastructure services for libraries.


Jisc负责维护和开发a critical piece of national data infrastructure that supports academic and specialist libraries across the UK. The National Bibliographic Knowledgebase (NBK) is a large aggregation of library data with overlaid services that provide discovery, cataloguing and collection management functions. In order for this infrastructure to be as effective as possible, the data has to be fit for purpose. For it to deliver efficiencies to institutions, duplication of effort must be eradicated wherever possible. To address these issues, Jisc has been leading on an initiative called ‘Plan M’, the goal of which is to try and introduce more transparency into the UK bibliographic data ecosystem. This paper will outline progress on those goals and consider the strategic opportunities available to libraries if the community fully exploits the value of the NBK for collaborative and co-operative activity.