2003年9月30日,华盛顿州的DCMI元数据注册工作组会议DC-2003 Seattle,工作组会议得到了很好的参加,并涉及以下领域:1。由Harry提供的工作组概述介绍了对历史和背景的简要审查WG。目前的宪章现已履行开发DCMI注册处,椅子将推荐更新的章程。2.关于去年的活动报告,Harry摘要在去年在DCMI注册处开展的工作。应用界面已得到增强,已开发应用程序接口,并实现了管理模块。年内将在注册表中添加了许多新翻译,而注册表现在支持24种语言的翻译。注册表体系结构正在从集中到分布式体系结构的发展,其中有四个地点的注册表(德国:Goettingen大学;日本:ulis,Tsukuba; UK:乌罗尔大学,浴缸大学)以及OCLC。在不同地区或地区的注册表安装可以支持特定的实践社区。例如,语言环境或域特定扩展可能包含在本地注册表中。分布式注册管理机构将由他们所服务的社区管理,支持适合该社区的翻译,并包括该社区重要的元数据。 The expected benefits of deploying a local registry were summarized as - Provides enhanced and authoritative access to information that is important to diverse communities of practice - Enables access to locale and domain-specific terms, extensions, application profiles, documents, classification schemes, etc. - Cooperation with broader DCMI community is provided with application API that supports discovery and exchange of metadata 3. The Registry was demonstrated, although the network connection was not of sufficient quality to give a detailed demonstration. 4. Open issues The following open issues were identified: - How to most effectively provide access to information not readily available in RDF (e.g. application profiles) - If and how to manage access to prior (historical) versions of terms, - How to manage different versions of translation - How distributed registries would collaborate, and relation to central registry - How to manage 'canonical' version of a term - How to manage provenance information in a distributed environment - Enhancements needed to make application easier to install and extend 4. A proposed charter was outlined, this has been presented to the Advisory Board and is currently being reviewed.