LRMI Concept Schemes

Title: LRMI Concept Schemes
Creator: LRMI Task Group (DC-Education Community)
Editors: Phil Barker
Stuart Sutton
Document Status: DCMI Community Specification
Description: The LRMI™ concept schemes are small sets of concepts for use as values with the LRMI properties in learning resource description and Web markup. Since the properties for which these concepts are intended also exist properties, the concepts in this concept scheme can be used with a level of certainty in Web markup. The concepts in the vocabularies have been declared in RDF using the W3C'sSimple Knowledge Organization System.
Release History //
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC:BY 4.0).

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction & Definitions
  2. Namespaces
  3. Concept Schemes (each on their own page)

1. Introduction & Definitions

LRMI defines several small vocabularies intended to provide values for the LRMI properties in learning resource description and web markup. The intention is that these vocabularies provide a small number of broad, top-level concepts. Users who need to classify against more specific concepts are encouraged to declare their concepts using SKOS and to map them to the appropriate LRMI concept using skos:broadMatch.

The vocabularies are defined asSimple Knowledge Organization System(SKOS) Concept Schemes. A subset of terms from the following table are used in defining the concept schemes and their associated concepts. These terms are drawn from the SKOS and other namespaces identified in Section 2.

机器可读的RDF / ttl编码浓缩的ept scheme includes a German translation.

Term Definition
Alternative Label: An alternative lexical label for a concept. Acronyms, abbreviations, spelling variants, and irregular plural/singular forms may be included among the alternative labels for a concept. Mis-spelled terms are normally included as hidden labels (see hiddenLabel).
Broader Concept: Relates a concept to a concept that is more general in meaning. Broader concepts are typically rendered as parents in a concept hierarchy (tree). By convention, skos:broader is only used to assert an immediate (i.e. direct) hierarchical link between two conceptual resources.
Date Created: Date of creation of the resource.
Date Modified: Date on which the resource was changed.
Definition: A statement or formal explanation of the meaning of a concept.
Description: An account of the resource.
Has Top Concept: Relates, by convention, a concept scheme to a concept which is topmost in the broader/narrower concept hierarchies for that scheme, providing an entry point to these hierarchies.
Hidden Label: A lexical label for a resource that should be hidden when generating visual displays of the resource, but should still be accessible to free text search operations.
In Scheme: Relates a resource (for example a concept) to a concept scheme in which it is included. A concept may be a member of more than one concept scheme.
License: A legal document giving official permission to do something with the resource.
Narrower Concept: Relates a concept to a concept that is more specific in meaning. By convention, skos:narrower is only used to assert an immediate (i.e. direct) hierarchical link between two conceptual resources. Narrower concepts are typically rendered as children in a concept hierarchy (tree).
Preferred Label: Relates a concept to a concept that is more specific in meaning. By convention, skos:narrower is only used to assert an immediate (i.e. direct) hierarchical link between two conceptual resources. Narrower concepts are typically rendered as children in a concept hierarchy (tree).
Scope Note: A note that helps to clarify the meaning and/or the use of a concept.
Source: A related resource from which the described resource is derived. The described resource may be derived from the related resource in whole or in part.
Title: A name given to the resource.
Top Concept Of: Relates a concept to the concept scheme that it is a top level concept of.

2. Namespaces

The namespaces in the table below are referenced in the definitions of the concept schemes and their component concepts:

Prefix IRI
dc DCMI Metadata Element Set
dct DCMI Metadata Terms
rdf RDF 1.1 Concepts vocabulary
rdfs The RDF Schema vocabulary
skos Simple Knowledge Organization System
xsd XML Schema (datatypes)

LRMI concept schemes that provide controlled vocabularies for use with the LRMI properties follow a common URI pattern. The namespace URI for LRMI vocabularies is Each vocabulary concept scheme has a URI based on this and the property name for which it provides values. For example, the LRMI value vocabulary for use with the lrmi:alignmentType property is assigned the URI individual concept URIs such as

3. Vocabulary Concept Scheme Definitions

The vocabularies each have their own page providing human readable defitions and a link to machine readable file using the Turtle syntax: