[Application-profiles-ig] For discussion: Entity and Property

Karen Coyle kcoyle at kcoyle.net
Fri Apr 24 02:05:52 BST 2020

All, At Wednesday's meeting we decided that in order to pin down both naming and definitions for the elements of our simple profile template we need to have some threaded discussions, which github does allow us to do. There are at least 5 things we need to discuss but I assume we can't tackle them all at once. Therefore, I have created two initial github issues: "Entity" -https://github.com/dcmi/dcap/issues/60"Property" -https://github.com/dcmi/dcap/issues/59I've tried to add a bit of background information there, and will add more as it occurs to me, as, I hope, others will as well. What we need to decide is: a) what are these concepts? (the context should help place them) b) what should they be named? c) what are the rules for using them in our simple application profile? (See a first pass at rules in [1] to understand what is meant here) I have used the names that are already in our simple template [2] for the issue titles but what we call these concepts is one of the things that we will discuss, and that may change. To participate in the discussion you must have a github login. If you do not have one yet, you can create one for free. Anyone with a login should be able to comment on issues. If you have any problems, please let me know. If you are not comfortable using github, you can post any ideas you have to this mailing list. We want to hear from as many people as possible! Thanks. And I hope to have the minutes of the meeting up in the next day or so. kc [1]https://github.com/dcmi/dcap/blob/master/prototypes/simple/formalisms.md[2]https://github.com/dcmi/dcap/blob/master/prototypes/simple/simpleTemplate.csv-- Karen Coylekcoyle at kcoyle.nethttp://kcoyle.netskype: kcoylenet

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