[Application-profiles-ig] schema profile for google recipes

Karen Coyle kcoyle at kcoyle.net
2020年5月26日星期二19:17:13 BST

I have a greater mental separation between the so-called "real world" and metadata. (About 180 degrees of difference from the OWL-heads.) My thoughts: On 5/26/20 12:24 AM, Thomas Baker wrote: >How about:>>* "Entity": a thing in the worldA "thing" is a thing in the world; and entity is a metadata representation of such a thing. They are not "sameAs". The entity is an expression of a point of view. >* "Entity shape": a set of statements about an entityMy problem with this is the difficulty that one has defining the boundaries of a shape in RDF, making "shape" a pretty fluid concept. If we want something structural, we have to be very clear what the role of the shape is and exactly how it is defined. If our RDF metadata is open (in the RDF sense) then our AP shape does not define the shape in the instance data, as the instance data extent is undefined. [3] I also find that ShEx does not define "shape" but only *shape expressions*.[1] SHACL does have a definition for "shape" but it is solely in terms of SHACL functions and therefore doesn't have a general definition or usage.[2] If we are to use the term "shape" we may be the first to define it as a general-use term. Alternatively, we could make sure that our definition is known as "AP shape" and we would define it in terms of the AP functionality. The term "shape" on its own does not seem to have a clear meaning. kc [1]http://shex.io/shex-semantics/index.html#shape-expressions[2]https://www.w3.org/TR/shacl/#shapes这引出了一个[3]other question that I will add the list of running questions, which is: by default, is an AP open (in the RDF sense) or closed? While ShEx has a default of open, I think that the main purpose of an AP is predictability, and therefore "closed" seems to be the right answer. >* "Entity shape ID": the @-prefixed identifier used in an>application profile to identify the entity shape-- Karen Coylekcoyle at kcoyle.nethttp://kcoyle.netskype: kcoylenet

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