[Application-profiles-ig] Please review first draft

Karen Coyle kcoyle at kcoyle.net
Mon Oct 19 21:36:09 BST 2020

Thanks, Phil, and also for the link. Yes, I think we mainly need a primer to reach our first intended audience, but I do really want us to make a start on normative documentation - if only because that will be the document against which we test everything else we say. That said, I'm not experienced at writing the really formal document (I've always been fortunate enough to be in standards groups where there was someone better suited to take that on) so it'll be a challenge for us, but if it's test-able we have a shot at getting it right. kc On 10/19/20 11:15 AM, Phil Barker wrote: >Structure looks great, thanks for making such a great start. Perhaps>more of a primer than normative specification documentation, but I>suspect a primer is more useful that a more formal doc right now--which>reminded me, I saw this from Leigh Dodds on good standards documentation>https://blog.ldodds.com/2020/10/14/tip-for-improving-standards-documentation/>>Sorry, I couldn't entirely resist word-smithy suggestions.>>Phil>>On 10/10/2020 17:31, Karen Coyle wrote:>>All,>>>>I have done a first draft of our "alpha release" document:>>>>>>https://hackmd.io/pTp9ub_bQbO6vxZra1w-kw?view>>>>I'd like everyone to take a quick look at the structure and approach>>before I go further. It's not ready for word-smithing so please>>restrain those impulses and concentrate on the overall approach for>>现在。以后我们可以得到更多的细节。发送一个新兴市场ail or add comments>>to the document. Please do not make changes to the document at this>>point or it may create confusion.>>>>Note that Nishad has updated his diagram, which I use throughout, and>>I will work in the updates over the next few days:>>>>https://n1sh-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/nishad_thalhath_org/EXhn1CYlFphLobPcUZjRe-YB9-94j9QmykBRqRlKwaMD_g?e=8hXG7J>>>>>>Thanks,>>kc>-->>Phil Barker <http://people.pjjk.net/phil>.http://people.pjjk.net/phil>CETIS LLP <https://www.cetis.org.uk>: a cooperative consultancy for>innovation in education technology.>PJJK Limited <https://www.pjjk.co.uk>: technology to enhance learning;>information systems for education.>>CETIS is a co-operative limited liability partnership, registered in>England number OC399090>PJJK Limited is registered in Scotland as a private limited company,>number SC569282.>-- Karen Coylekcoyle at kcoyle.nethttp://kcoyle.netskype: kcoylenet

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