[Application-profiles-ig] open/closed

Thomas Baker tbaker at tombaker.org
Mon Sep 28 18:20:58 BST 2020

在2020-09-17 05:33,Karen Coyle写道:>We have a github issue from our early round of requirements that says that>the profile must state whether it is open or closed [1].Well-spotted. >open: when properties or classes are encountered that are not in the>profile, this is not an error>closed: only properties and classes included in the profile are valid>>What makes this tricky is that it is about the profile as a whole and>therefore cannot be placed in our csv template, which has rows for shapes>and for properties but no place for information about the profile as a>whole.In ShEx, "openness" is an attribute of a shape [1]. Maybe we could have an (optional) column like 'shapeOpen', with a value of True/False, Yes/No, or whatever. >The open/closed declaration may be necessary for validation so it will be>difficult to leave that un-defined.We might want to be explicit, or at least give some strong hints, about the default being "open". >This "problem" is similar to that for the domain name prefix declarations,>which we have determined must be in a separate file (although we haven't yet>gone into any detail about the formatting of that file).Agreed. >There are, however, other profile-wide>bits of information, like PROV-type information, that might also fit into a>manifest for the profile.We could perhaps simply say up-front that the CSV model does not try to express _everything_ within the limitation of two dimensions and that context, in the form of prefix declarations and provenance information, will surely be necessary. >I don't think we can resolve this quickly, and it>would distract us some from finalizing the template, but I do think that in>any documentation we need to make clear that we know this is on our horizon.Agreed. Tom [1]https://shex.io/shex-primer/#closed-shapes-- Tom Baker <tom at tombaker.org>

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