
Karen Coyle kcoyle at kcoyle.net
Mon May 10 16:40:35 BST 2021

All, I have created a directory in our github repo for test records. [1] The readme.md is a place to list desired tests, and to link them to actual csv files when the test is created. Feel free to add descriptions of tests there, and I will create the files. Right now the readme is separated into Good and Bad (or Pass/Fail if you wish). The files, however, are all in one directory. When we have a better idea of what *should* pass or fail, we can separate the files into two directories if that makes testing easier. kc [1]https://github.com/dcmi/dctap/blob/main/tests/readme.md——卡伦Coylekcoyle at kcoyle.nethttp://kcoyle.net

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