
来自Skype致电的笔记,2010-05-07 Mary:我们首先从当前词汇表中取出东西。问题:如何表示遗留条款?我们应该将它们保留在一个列表中,标记为遗留,或将它们分成单独的列表?人们使用1级软件 - 是大多数人。我们需要继续支持这些人。新人仍然使用这个。我们教导的很多人不是编目者 - 他们是管理员。Steffi:简单/合格的DC?玛丽:术语的变化,但不丢弃支持。当我教它时,这是原始术语。 My question: take another step back: originally we had all metadata terms in the glossary (title, date...). Steffi: We should keep them out of glossary. Marcia: Agree with Mary - from my teaching, vast majority still in Level 1. They see how to turn bibliographic into linked data. From library community: first vocabularies become linked data, then bibliographic data (Swedish, Hungarian). Bridge is Dublin Core™. Getty - historical or current. Indicators can be used. Don't like "legacy" for things that are still valid, only older. Implies they are no longer valid. "Historical" doesn't have the same negative connotation as "legacy". Or "classic", as in classic / semantic. Steffi: Local/global is not good. Mary: We want people to think about what their metadata will look like outside their context. Mary: Classic / Semantic / Legacy (warwick, lego). Tom: "Dublin Core™ style". Steffi: "Using DC Version 2"? Tell what they will read and why - didn't change much. Changes in Chaps 1 ("What is metadata?") and 2 ("What is DC?") Mary: Software designers need to understand triples. Others just need to input metadata - add VES, etc - and we confuse them. Marcia: "Record" - really talking about Descriptions. What is the basic unit - Description? Record? Links: --http://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/dc-glary.- 邮件列表  -http://sites.google.com/site/dublincoreglossaryupdate/- 维基 -https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?2=ind1004&l=dc-glosary& p=54- 宪章 -//www.voudr.com/documents/2005/11/07/usageguide/glossary/-  2005词汇表 -http://library.csun.edu/mwoodley/dublincore/glossary.shtml.- 玛丽提出的变更 -//www.voudr.com/groups/tools/glossary/-  2007年DC-Tools词汇表 -//www.voudr.com/usageboardwiki/usingdublincore.-  Steffi对使用DC的修订 -//www.voudr.com/usageboardwiki/usingdublincore_2fchapterone.-//www.voudr.com/usageboardwiki/usingdublincore_2fchaptertwo.-//www.voudr.com/usageboardwiki/usingdublincore_2fchapterthree.- 托马斯贝克<[电子邮件受保护]>