
会议报告 -  2010-10-21,DC-2010,匹兹堡 - 议程的用户指南和词汇表任务部队//www.voudr.com/groups/userguide/2010/2010-10-21.dcglossary-dcuser-agenda.html.- 会议PDF.//www.voudr.com/groups/userguide/2010/2010-10-21.dcuser-dcglossary-meeting.pdf.-  RAW HOTERNE NOTES://www.voudr.com/groups/userguide/2010/2010-10-21.dc-glossary-meeting-raw-notes.doc.合作社:玛丽·伍德利,汤姆贝克感谢玛丽划线!这两个任务费用已加入势力,以同步新版本的用户指南和新版本的汇编词汇表。他们还在开展新的常见问题解答和一系列论文,这提供了历史视角,这些论述了元数据概念如何发展的术语在直流社区中发展出来。我们一直通过电子邮件和定期电话/ Skype电话会议。会议上的一个新人,Steven Miller,签约参加了任务团体。讨论侧重于:1。更新用户指南,将结构和组织更新为逻辑序列和识别所需的部件。2.术语表,显着改造遗留词汇表A.较小的范围仅包括DC透视图B。与其他直流文档对齐3.下一步的目标,列表中的下一步骤,空白版本4.发布平台:将Wiki文档转换为HTML文档总是很困难和而且始终困难。在愿望清单上:出版平台的更新的Wiki结构。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- User Guide, "Using Dublin Core™" http://colab.mpdl.mpg.de/mediawiki/UsingDC http://colab.mpdl.mpg.de/mediawiki/CreatingMetadata http://colab.mpdl.mpg.de/mediawiki/PublishingMetadata Scope: -- how to create a metadata description -- how to publish the description as linked data Identified need to clarify definitions for what constitutes a metadata description in Linked Data. -- UsingDC Should move Section 5 (What is Dublin Core?) to position 3 (after What is Metadata? and before What is Linked Data?) Re: Dublin Core™ Properties: need simple paragraph of explanation, including issue of namespaces (legacy vs dcterms) Levels of interoperability section should focus on Levels 1 and 2 only, though it should link to documentation about all levels. Stefanie will update the font style to make the legend for the properties more understandable -- CreatingMetadata This is about filling in the fields without necessarily knowing what is under the hood. -- PublishingMetadata This is about what is under the hood (architecture) i.e. encoding in the dcterms namespace. Note Pete's change suggestions on page 44 of the meeting packet. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Glossary - see meeting packet We have the Glossary, on one hand, and ten mini topical essays (one-pagers listing the history of concepts in the DC concept) which can be used as the basis for glossary entries and the user guide. 1. We should keep superseded terminology in the glossary, with very brief definitions, and link to the mini-essays. 2. Add RDF terminology relevant to DC with links to RDF definitions and to the mini essays. 3. Re: mini essay on "Dublin Core™": DCMES should have its own glossary entry (pointing to the essay). 4. Re: mini essay on Dumb-down principle: use the first paragraph in the glossary. 5. Re: Namespace Policy essay and Namespace essay: split this information between the glossary and the user guide. Start the glossary entry with what is a namespace. 6. Retain a definition of URI in the glossary, with brief definition, pointing perhaps to Juha's recent overview [1]. 7. One-to-one principle: keep. What constitutes a "resource" as a meaningful object of description, lies in the eye of the beholder. Link to mini essay. 8. Open World Mindset teaser for glossary - link to essay... 9. RDF essay: need to distill for glossary. 10. Resource discovery and Resource description essay: properties designed for description or discovery; originally elements designed solely for description were not included. Evolved to include more than just digital objects but things that belong to the classes of the DCMI Type Vocabulary. Not sure if this belongs to the glossary or user guide but will be maintained as part of the overall background document. 11. Simple and Qualified Dublin Core™ - ok. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FAQ 1. Do not want an exhaustive list. 2. Link dcterms to user guide document 3. Need to develop platform and anchors 4. Tom looked through answers posted to (now-defunct) AskDCMI service. Simple questions on where to find things; quite a few questions on syntax and encoding. Many of these are out of scope if DCMI is de-emphasizing syntax guidelines. [1]http://metadaten-twr.org/2010/10/13/persistent-iderifiers-an-overview/