DC-2016 final program published

DCMI is pleased to announce publication of the final program for DC-2016. The program consists of an array of presentations, lightning talks, papers, project reports, posters, special sessions, and workshops. To review the program, visit the Program Page athttp://dcevents.www.voudr.com/IntConf/dc-2016/schedConf/programwhere titles link to abstracts. Registration is open athttp://dcevents.www.voudr.com/IntConf/index/pages/view/reg16with early rates available through 2 September 2016. Significant registration savings are available for DCMI members or ASIST members wishing to attend the collocated DC-2016 and ASIST conferences. The ASIST program is available athttps://www.asist.org/events/annual-meeting/annual-meeting-2016/program/and with seminars and workshops athttps://www.asist.org/events/annual-meeting/annual-meeting-2016/seminars-and-workshops/.